Big Help Project works with Real Worth on Fuel Poverty Report.

Big Help Project is delighted and proud to have played a key part in the release of a crucial new report today by the social impact experts Real Worth

We were approached by Real Worth to partner into their deep dive into the social value(or the importance that people and society place on changes to their lives causes by social economic and environmental influences) created by escaping fuel poverty, by determining a monetary value that represents the wholly negative impact on society.

Along with Real Worth we wanted to quantify the degree with which fuel poverty influences all aspects of peoples lives. We hope the attached report has done just that.

We see first-hand every day the difference our fuel scheme makes on the front line of poverty in Merseyside (we issue vouchers that people can use to top up their fuel meters) We stop people making that awful choice between heating and eating as are privileged to to be in a position to do so. We are thrilled that Real Worth has chosen to use our charity to spell out the key messages in their report this week.

James McGowan from Real Worth commented that;

“Working in social impact has made us acutely aware of the difficulties many people are facing in their day-to-day lives at the moment. When we decided to do this work, we were seeing rising energy prices pushing more and more people into fuel poverty, and as a built environment-based organisation, we were conscious of the huge impact that housing quality had on this. We wanted to do this research to emphasise to the sector the importance of creating quality homes and showing care for those who live in them. Big Help was the ideal partner for this, and we are grateful for the work they put in throughout the research”

Alex Molton from Big Help Project went on to say;

“Big Help Project has been at the forefront of challenging overbearing poverty and its consequences for well over a decade on Merseyside. One of the very most effective ways we have found to do that is by our fuel voucher scheme giving people the ability to live worry free from an issue we all should be able to take for granted, ie a warm home. I want to thank Real Worth for their magnificent report that neatly and devastatingly outlines why fuel poverty should be all our concern”


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